When This You See...is a series of thirty-one artworks in the medium of embroidery, made between 1996 and 1999, by the American artist, Elaine Reichek. All of the images are reproduced in full color. Most of the works are modern interpretations of traditional samplers dating from the mid-seventeenth to the early nineteenth century. Ms. Reichek has replaced the traditional sayings with quotations from mythology, literature, science, art history, and popular culture, resulting in pointed social commentaries. The "A" design on the cover is the Scarlet Letter described in minute datail in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel of the same name. Hard bound, 96 pages. Book: $35.00 |
Em-Li's | emlis@emlis.com P.O. Box 671| Dunn, NC 28335 Phone: 910-892-3024 | FAX: 910-892-0042