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The Addison Adam and Eve Sampler 

The original sampler from which this sampler was adapted is an English sampler, probably from the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Several of the motifs are partially picked out, while remnants of an original verse surround a new one..."When All Thy Mercies, O My God," by Joseph Addison.

    When all thy mercies, o my God,
    My rising soul surveys..
    Transported with the view im lost
    In wonder love and Praise.

The model is stitched with one strand of Needlepoint, Inc., silk on 45 count Florence ivory linen that was overdyed with a walnut solution.

The stitch count is 285 by 301, and on 45 count linen the finished size is approvimately 12 1/4 by 11 3/4 inches. The sampler is worked almost entirely in cross stitch over two threads; the verse and two motifs are worked over one thread.  

Chart:  $12.00  

Bittersweet House


Em-Li's | emlis@emlis.com

P.O. Box 671| Dunn, NC 28335

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